VAE Mutual Aid Benefit Art Auction
CFP is proud to be a part of the Visual Arts Exchange Mutual Aid Art Auction. CFP has submitted two works Fading Summer 2 and Mirror in the Mist. 50% of the proceeds from the sale of these two works will go to VAE to support its work in the Raleigh arts community.
For 2021, VAE is transitioning the organization’s 41st Anniversary Gala into our First-Ever Mutual Aid Benefit Auction where artists will receive 100% of the commission on the sale of their work.
VAE hopes to use the success of our largest annual party as a platform to help our artists when they need it most, after a full year with no income. We encourage our art-loving community to think of this as your opportunity to directly support the artists who make our communities vibrant, and get beautiful new art in exchange. There are no tickets needed for this event, anyone can bid from anywhere. VAE appreciates our donors and sponsors who make this event possible.
> Auction Live - March 6 @ 8 AM
> Virtual Auction Party - March 23 @ 7 PM
> First Section of the Auction Closes - March 24 @ 3 PM
> Second Section of the Auction Closes - March 25 @ 3 PM
POP-UP LOCATION: 120 S. Wilmington Street (by appt only)
CO-CHAIRS: Erica Porter + Debbie Robbins